Maps from The Day of Battle

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(Note that the following map requires Flash.)

This slideshow includes maps that appear in The Day of Battle:

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List of Maps

  1. Mediterranean and European Theaters in World War II
  2. Operation husky, Invasion of Sicily, July 1943
  3. Counterattack at Gela, July 11, 1943
  4. Attack Across Sicily, July 1943
  5. Capture of Troina, August 1–6, 1943
  6. Race to Messina, August 1943
  7. The Italian Battlefield, September 1943–June 1944
  8. Struggle at Salerno, September 9–14, 1943
  9. Fifth Army at the Winter Line, mid-November 1943
  10. First and Second Attacks on San Pietro, December 1943
  11. Canadian Attack at Ortona, December 1943
  12. Assault on the Rapido River, January 20–22, 1944
  13. Anzio Landings and Early Advance, January 22–31, 1944
  14. U.S. and French Attacks at Cassino, January 25–February 12, 1944
  15. German Counterattack at Anzio, February 16–20, 1944
  16. Operation dickens at Cassino, March 15–24, 1944
  17. Operation diadem, May 11–23, 1944
  18. Breakout at Anzio, May 23–25, 1944
  19. Shifting the Attack at Anzio, May 25–26, 1944
  20. The Liberation of Rome, May 31–June 4, 1944